This precious little girl was rescued by a Good Samaritan in Baton Rouge (Bijou), who quickly notified Silent Voices Wildlife Rehabilitation. We arrived and found the little raccoon semi-comatose and very painful in her rear legs. It appeared she had suffered severe head trauma from a fall from a very tall tree in the area. She was assessed and treated immediately for pain and dehydration, and, provided supplemental heat as her body temperature would not register on the thermometer. The next morning a very compassionate local small animal veterinarian agreed to radiograph her for possible fractures. No broken bones were found although she did have significant hemorrhage in her lungs so he placed an IV catheter in her leg to facilitate continued fluid therapy. Over the next 48 hours she was continued on pain medication, IV fluids, and supplemental heat. By day three she was up and around in her cage and she continued to improve significantly over the next few days. Although her appetite was of concern, she did begin eating on her own by the fourth day of care. Although she appears to be fully recovered, she will continue to be observed a while longer and will hopefully be released to her original habitat soon. Needless to say, her recovery is nothing short of a miracle that would not have transpired if not for the kind woman who cared enough to quickly intervene and find her help. This little sweetheart has racked up some treatment expenses but as you can see it was well worth it. If you can find it in your heart to help, please consider donating to her cause; any amount, no matter how small would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for considering helping this special little lady!